Here is a an idea for a school Valentine's box that turned out really well and was able to be completed in one night. We did a SpongeBob box (since he is already "Box" shaped"). We got a USPS Flat rate shipping box (medium size...they give them away free at the post office) then cut a hole in the top (for the valentines to go in) and covered the top with yellow scrapbook paper (12X12 size works well) and the bottom with brown and then got white strips w/ a random wave to them for the shirt. We did an image search on-line and then printed out the eyes and mouth and then cut them out and glued them off (this made SUCH a difference on how it turned out looking, to have the eyes and mouth "just right" made the whole thing perfect). We colored circles for the sponge holes w/ a yellow-green crayon and we glued on a red tie shape and outlined anything needed w/ a black sharpie. It was super-easy and it ended up WINNING first place in the class valentine's box contest.
I also wanted to share a few ideas for the school Valentine's party. This was a for a third grade class so it would need to be adjusted for younger or older students. We played a conversation heart relay race. We divided the kids into two lines and then me and the teacher each held a mirror and bowl of conversation hears. Then the kids had to come up, one-by-one, and try to fill up a cup that they held on their head w. the conversations hearts by looking the mirror. Then we quieted things down a little with a game of "honey, if you love me, give me a smile" and then finished off the party with a game of pictionary using Valentine words while they ate their snack. The kids seemed to really have fun and the teacher mentioned several times how well the party went.
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