These are step-by-step instructions for making a nursing cover (similar to a "hooter hider" or an "udder cover.")
Supplies:22 X 45 inch rectangle of fabric (
1 pkg extra wide, double fold bias tape
1/2 yard of boning
small strip of
velcroStep one: put on a Barney DVD (this is "step one" of all my projects)
Step two: Trim a 5 inch strip off of each of the short ends of the fabric (this should leave you with two rectangles, each 5 X 22 inches, in addition to your larger rectangle.) One of these smaller rectangles will become your strap. (the other is "extra." I use it to cover a travel wipe holder...I will maybe a put a pic of one of those on my blog too when I get a chance) To make the strap, fold the rectangle (right sides together) lengthwise and then sew with 1/2 seam along the long end and one of the shorter ends. Turn right side out.

Step Three: Round all the corners of the larger rectangle (I use a dinner plate as a guide)

Step Four: Starting toward the end of one of the longer sides, sew the bias tape around the large rectangle. (I like to first make sure the bias tape will be long enough to sew all the way around. It should be enough but sometimes it is close so I like to check and trim a little off of my fabric as necessary.) Sew very close to the inner edge of the bias tape but make sure to catch all the layers of the fabric and bias tape. Stop sewing when you are ALMOST back to where you started from. Leave a small opening to thread the boning through.

Step Five: Sew Across the ends of the boning so the inner plastic part cannot come out (slightly trim inner plastic section as needed) (just to clarify...this is not shown in the picture above. the picture above is still for the previous step)

Step Six: Thread the entire boning into the bias tape, along the long edge, through the small gap that was left between the beginning and ending of the bias tape (this is why you needed to sew close to the edge of the bias, so the boning can fit). Boning normally has a natural curve to it so make sure it curves toward the right side of the fabric (this leaves a little window which the mother can see down
thru to the baby when it's all completed.) Center the boning so it's the middle of the top long edge (inside the bias tape). Finish stitching the bias tape to the end, folding under the raw edge

Step Six: Attach strap. Before attaching, measure to desired length and trip off excess of raw edge (I usually take about 5 inches off). Attach strap by turning under raw edge and stitching to the backside (along the top of bottom of bias). Match the outside of the strap with the outer end of the boning. Stitch across outside edge of boning (through all layers of bias and fabric) several times in order to make it strong and not allow the boning to slide. (FYI...I have broken needles before so I
DONT Sew directly over the boning. Instead I stitch along the top and bottom of it and very close to the outside edge which prevents it from sliding)

Step Six: Cut small length of
velcro to width of strap and sew one section to the other end of the strap. Then sew the other section of
velcro on the backside of the fabric in a similar manner as above, matching the outer edge of the
velcro to the outer of the boning. Sew across the end of boning several times again to keep it from sliding on this side.
Well, I think that is everything. See the top picture for the finished product. Let me know if you try to make it and my directions are clear. This is my first time so I am sure I left some parts out, but hopefully you can decipher it!

And, that it! Now you can
discreetly nurse you baby in public without flashing everyone (or if you are like me, no one can tuck around the side of you so no one case see your back fat either!)
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