As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you" - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ANOTHER favorite craft blog

So, I have another craft blog I have to add to my list of favorites. Thrive is unique however because all her crafts are made using NO MONEY AT ALL! Crazy, I know. I originally saw her blog when I sister linked this recipe about making fruit snack out of zucchini and kool-aid. Yes, you read that right, fruit snacks out of zucchini. Now, while I am all for finding ways to help my kids eat healthier, I think that that recipe may be taking it little bit too far. But, I haven't tried them yet, so, who knows??? I wont knock them until I try them.

However, if the thought of anything made of out zucchini turns your stomach (like it does mine) she still has some other fun ideas...and, like I said, everything she makes is just from the recycle bin (and I know, if you are like me, the thought of crafts coming out of the recycle bin conjures up images of the "art" my kids make at the children's museum using egg cartons, buttons and glitter...but this stuff truly does turn out ok!) My personal favorite were her craft stars from an old cake pan! (however, I plan to actually BUY an oven liner to do it with...shhh...dont tell her!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A whole bunch of links for different headband tutorials....per my sister's request