However, now in the fabulous world of craft blogs, I found a blogger who has plan for all the amazing things from places like pottery barn that you can build yourself! Isn't that a great idea?!?! Yes, you are saying, except for the fact that then you have to build them yourself (or try to get your husband, who has absolutely no time on his hands to do it for you)! I know, Iknow, neither of those options sounds that great. However, my friend had the fabulous idea to use those plans and then HIRE someone (off of craigslist) to build them for her....BEST OF BOTH WORLDS! You get good, beautiful (PB) quality furniture for the cost of particle board (Walmart) crap.
Check it out here: but be sure to have enough time to waste a bunch while looking it over!
Oh, and just as an FYI...the picture is not from her site...its from just between friends. I am considering re-doing the girls room before we move (the hubs doesn't love the "pepto" color, as he calls it, on their walls) to be more like this room and I thought those shelves would be great next to their bed...heck, maybe I will just have a whole new bed made for them from one of ana's patterns while I am at it! Maybe one like this or this or even this:

(ana even has some patterns for even cuter shelves here )
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