As I stated in the post below, I have been wanting to make those interchangeable watches. So, I decided I would just jump right in and figure it out. It turned out that they were not hard AT ALL (and yet they cost SO much to order them on-line...I thought about just ordering some but since they turned out to be so easy, I am glad I didn't waste my money).
And now, I am now officially ADDICTED to beading watches. In fact, when I brought home a big bag of beads from hobby lobby the other day, my hubbie asked, "what's that?"(he is always leery of extra junk in the house). "My new thing" I replied. To which he replied "what about the 20 old things in the basement you still need to finish?"(He is such a what if I may have a few wooden blocks that need painting and piles of fabric that need to made into adorable matching skirts and vinyl lettering waiting to find just the right wall and more scrapbook paper than I could ever count! :)
Oh well, for now, I am a beading fool (in fact, I am getting together with a couple pf girl friends tomorrow to make more. YAY! I will try to post a full tutorial after we are done)
Here is a few of the different bands we made
I ordered my watches from this website and I really liked their selections:
This site did have more inexpensive watch faces however if you want to try to stay on a budget but still get cute faces:
And, if you want to start immediately (and I cant blame you if you do) there is a tutorial already on here that I used to make mine: